Our battery powered gas detectors are wireless transmitters specifically designed for demanding safety and monitoring applications. Safe transmission of measurements and 24-hour availability are required. To meet these requirements the ISA100 Wireless™ standard – developed by the International Society of Automation (ISA) - is a perfect match for the following reasons:
• Object orientation facilitates the integration of safety protocols.
• Contract based communication guarantees limits for bandwidth, latency, and priority.
Our wireless transmitters fully support the ISA100 Wireless™ standard and are therefore easy to deploy in an ISA100 environment.
For most safety applications, continuous monitoring is required and a short response time (also referred to as latency) must be guaranteed when a safety critical situation occurs. Fortunately, for gas detection the average bandwidth requirement for wireless communication is modest. The primary challenge in designing a wireless safety system is combining a guaranteed short latency with very low power consumption. In addition, full control of all network traffic is required and communication with the controller needs to meet reliability requirements according to SIL2 (Safety Integrity Level) guidelines as described in the IEC 61508 standard. Loss of contact with a field wireless device must be identified immediately.

GasSecure’s patented wireless communication concept SafeWireless™ meets the above requirements of fast response time together with power efficiency and full control of network traffic. This enables easy integration of our wireless gas detectors into SIL2 capable safety instrumented systems (SIS) according to the IEC 61508 standard. For such SIL applications the PROFIsafe profile is added to the ISA100 Wireless application layer. PROFIsafe is one of the few non-proprietary SIL-certified tools for safety communication loops. In a wireless gas detection system, PROFIsafe covers the entire communication path from the field device to the safety controller (end-to-end communication with black channel principle).
Redundant operation is possible for the entire safety system including the detector, gateway, and safety controller.
For further information, please refer to our technical paper on wireless gas detection, which is available in Downloads.